Iniciativa Internacional en Defensa de los Valores del Cielo Nocturno como Patrimonio Científico, Cultural y Medioambiental de la Humanidad

The World Night


SWITCH ON THE STARS! 20 April 2012

worldnigth02On 2007 during the first International Starlight Conference, supported by IAC, UNESCO, IAU,UN-WTO, MaB, SCBD and CMs, it was agreed to promote annually the World Night in Defence of the Starlight as part of our cultural, scientific and environmental heritage. Every year on this date we remind ourselves of the need to preserve our right to view a dark night sky full of stars and to take steps to prevent its disappearance. This year, World Night in Defence of the Starlight falls within Astronomy Week 2010.

A whole range of organizations have unified their efforts and activities this year in April to raise awareness about defending our starry skies all over the planet.
The World Night is an opportunity to get actively involved in many ways:

  • Organize events and ceremonies for the adoption of the Starlight Declaration.Claim and propose visitable places for observation, as well as parks and destinations under the stars.
  • Promote public statements aimed to recover the vision of starry skies and limit light pollution.
  • Switch-off unnecessary lights at night to recover the vision of stars, and at the same time save energy and slow down climate change.
  • Organize artistic events or competitions on themes related with the vision of starry skies.
  • Offer night sky viewing through telescopes.
  • Provide media coverage and public talks by scientists, experts, and dark skies advocates related with all dimensions of the night sky.
  • Promote the identification of local dark areas that warrant protection.
  • Advocate for local dark sky ordinances.

And last, but not least, organize events in which children can participate.

Our capacity to maintain the right to observe stars is in their hands; it should be the right of future generations.


Event Registration


Objectives of the Starlight Initiative

  • Promote the World Declaration on the Right to the Starlight as a common heritage of mankind.
  • Promote international action in defence of the quality of the night sky and the observation of the stars, reinforcing the right to their enjoyment and use as a scientific, cultural and environmental resource and a vector of technological development to the benefit of mankind. 
  • Help to spread the culture of valuing starlight, guaranteeing access to it for present and future generations. 
  • Make an international call on the need to limit impacts on the quality of observing the sky associated with light, radio-electric and air pollution, including the impact of air traffic, in the areas of astrophysical observation. 
  • Promote public awareness of the personal right to contemplate the stars and to the conservation of nocturnal landscapes. Identify and promote initiatives to enhance the value of material and intangible cultural heritage associated with astronomy, hence reinforcing our knowledge of the skies and of the associated cultural expression diversity. 
  • Open a window on the new forms of sustainable and creative tourism promoting starlight and the firmament as basic resources in responsible tourism destinations, with special emphasis on actions taken in mankind heritage sites, biosphere reserves and areas of astrophysical observation. 
  • Generate proposals aimed at the protection of night sky quality, promoting the creation of privileged areas for star observation and launching international campaigns and agreements aimed at consolidating genuine “Starlight Reserves” as windows to the firmament. 
  • Promote the concept of Starlight Reserves in protected natural areas and surrounding zones, as an element of the strategy to conserve biodiversity and the manifestations of night life: “life manifests itself 24 hours a day”. 
  • Develop the clean skies initiative within the framework of UNESCO’s World Network of Biosphere Reserves, as they are laboratories for science and sustainable development and they can act as worldwide benchmarks for enhancing the value of environmental resources. 
  • Develop the proposal to create an international network of institutions and bodies supporting the quality of the light of the night sky and the right to observe the stars. Identify, disseminate and promote local, national and international legislative initiatives aimed at protecting this legacy for science, development and culture. 
  • Help to disseminate the benefits associated with the development of astrophysics and observatories, in the technological and industrial dimensions and in the area of job creation and the influence they have on the advancement of other socially interesting applications.

The Initiative: Origin, objectives, organization and support 


La Fundación Starlight

La Fundación Starlight es una entidad, con personalidad jurídica propia, creadapor el Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), cuyo fin principal es la difusión de la astronomía y la promoción, coordinación y gestión del movimiento Sta ...

IAU 2009 Resolution B5


Resolution B5 in Defence of the Night Sky and the Right to Starlight

The International Astronomical Union XXVII General Assembly, Recalling
1. the IAU/UNESCO International Year of Astro ...

The World Night

THERE IS ANOTHER WAY TO LIGHT UP THE NIGHT SWITCH ON THE STARS! 20 April 2012 On 2007 during the first International Starlight Conference, supported by IAC, UNESCO, IAU,UN-WTO, MaB, SCBD and CMs, it was agreed to promote annually the World Night in ...

La Iniciativa Starlight

La Iniciativa starlight (La Luz de las Estrellas) se concibe como una campaña internacional en defensa de la calidad de los cielos nocturnos y el derecho general a la observación de la estrellas, abierta a la participación de todas las instit ...

Objetivos de la Iniciativa Starlight

La Iniciativa starlight (La Luz de las Estrellas) se concibe como una campaña internacional en defensa de la calidad de los cielos nocturnos y el derecho general a la observación de la estrellas, abierta a la participación de todas las institu ...

Declaracion Starlight - La Palma 2007

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OPCC - Oficina de Protección de la Calidad del Cielo del Norte de Chile

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Scientific Committee

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Más información






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La Iniciativa Starlight (La Luz de las Estrellas) se concibe como una acción internacional en defensa de la calidad de los cielos nocturnos y el derecho general a la observación de la estrellas, abierta a la participación de todas las instituciones y asociaciones científicas, culturales y ciudadanas relacionadas con la defensa del firmamento...

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