Scientific Committee

of the Starlight initiative

Juan Antonio

Chairman of the sessions of the Scientific Committee Meeting held in November 2006


Meetings SC
Honorary Board
Scientific Committee
Organising Committee


The Scientific Committee of the Starlight Initiative is made up by a wide representation of experts in the fields of astronomy, culture, information, environment and nature conservation, energy, lighting, tourism, law, and sustainable development, seeking to approach the different dimensions of the International Initiative in Defence of the Night Sky and the Right to Observe the Stars.

The main tasks of the Scientific Committee are the following:

  • To define and concretise the contents, as well as the expected results, of the Starlight International Conference that will be held in April 2007 on the island of La Palma.

  • To give advice to the Organising Committee in its task of selecting speakers and partner bodies and organisations.

  • To review Conference communications, abstracts, and proposals.

  • To define the main objectives of the Initiative by thematic area.

  • To contribute to defining the Action Plan that would result from the Initiative.

  • To propose ideas and basic contents to be included in the World Declaration on the Right to the Starlight.

Members of the Scientific Committee...>

Opening Session of the first meeting of the Starlight Initiative Scientific Committee.
From left to right: Antonio San Blas (La Palma Biosphere Reserve and co-director of the  Initiative), Miguel �ngel Pulido (  Canary Islands Government) , Francisco S�nchez (Director of the Instituto de Astrof�sica de Canarias), Jose Luis Perestelo (President of the island of  La Palma), Miguel Clusener-Godt (UNESCO), Cipriano Mar�n (Coordinator of the Starlight initiative), Juan Antonio Men�ndez Pidal (Chairman of the Session).

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